Thursday, January 25, 2018

free write 2/365

What was the inspiration/prompt?

What could happen in a second?
5 minutes

What did I write?
A child could get into something
A pet could get into something
A car could crash
You could cry out a ex-lovers name in ecstasy
Your life could be taken
You could take a life
You can swipe the wrong way on tinder
You can walk in on an affair or another undesireable couple.

            Everone was enjoying a great night with friends when Sam heard a lapping sound.  He turned his head and saw Seth’s small head stiicking out of a cup which sat on the floor.  Sam shooed Seth away from the cup but it was impossible to tell he much he’d had to drink.  The owener of the white russian continued to drink it depsite it having been contaminated by cat tounge.  Shortly after Seth projectile vomiited acroos the living room floor sending him at least a foot back from his launching pad. 

What about you?

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