Saturday, January 13, 2018

Free write 1/365: five minutes

What was the inspiration/prompt?

What did I write?

        “Tiffany report to the main office please”
        My name was broadcast across the school for what I don’t know. I couldn’t have been in trouble and it wasn’t time for honor roll awards.  I traipsed to tee office biting my nails. If I’d done something to get into trouble I knew I’d get a whopping at home.  Mrs. Kendra sat at her desk sorting papers looking away from the cute Japenese girl sitting in the chair across from her. Her hands were folded neatly across her lap.  She carried a few bags as if she was traveling. Mrs. Kendra sighed and rapt on the door behind her.
        Principal Ryan walked out of his office and shuddered. “Tiffany this is Rika. She is a foreign exchange student. Your parents signed up to be hosts.”
        He looked at Mrs. Kendra and grabbed a stack of paperwork. He motioned for me to come into his office. Once I had taken a seat he shut the door behind me.
        “Rika is here. Your parents had some things come up which ultimately disqualified them from being hosts but it was discovered too late. You are a legal adult. Would you agree to be her host on paper?”

        Her parents served this spam sushi atrocity for dinner thinking it will make it feel like home.

What about you?

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